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"If I want to hide, let me hide, if I want to be seen, let me be seen, and for Starclan's sake, just let me be who I want to be, it's not up to anyone else who I am, it's up to me."

|| Name || Raccoonpaw
|| Previous Name(s) || Raccoonkit
|| Future Name(s) || ??
|| Age || 7 moons
|| Gender || Female
|| Sexuality || Biromantic, Bisexual
|| Home || Thunderclan
|| Rank || Apprentice

inactive // 
​|| Mentor || Spottedsong
|| Future Mentor || --
|| Former Mentor || --
|| Apprentice || --
|| Future Apprentice || --
|| Former Apprentice || --

|| Base Coat || Light grey
|| Markings || Black 'mask', fully black tail aside from tip, black paws, black line down back
|| Pelt Length || Bushy, medium-long
|| Eye Color || Dull blue-green
|| Build ||On the smaller side
|| Height || Slightly below average
|| Scars || None
|| Distinctive Features || Bushy tail
|| Advantages || Good at scenting, Tracks well, Good at remembering locations
​|| Disadvantages || Not good at hiding, Overheats easily, Weak fighting skills

Rebel | Disobedient | Unique | Prankster | Confident

Ever since she was young Raccoonpaw has been a rebellious little trickster, often swimming against the tide in anything she did regardless of what others thought of it. She enjoys being able to be herself with no regard to rules or authority, often appearing to be disobedient to older cats, unless it was absolutely necessary to be obedient, but even then it was hard for any older cat to tell her what to do. If she didn't want to do it, she simply wouldn't, she didn't budge and she never will budge once she's set her mind to something. 
Along with being rebellious and rather disobedient, Raccoonpaw is quite the prankster and enjoys specifically scaring others. Most of the time she attempts to sneak up on them (though it is well known she's quite terrible at sneaking up on others, particularly because of the bushy tail of hers making a bunch of ruckus while she's trying to sneak), and make a loud sound inches from them, always laughing up a storm to see the other cat nearly jump out of their skin. Though she never means harm with these little pranks, she just means to live life to the fullest, live a fun life that she enjoys, not caring at all about the opinion of others. However due to her nature of disobedience, she has earned quite the bad rap from the older cats, deeming her a good for nothing ruffian that was a bad influence on others, and while this does hurt internally, she doesn't let it pull her down. Instead, she uses it to fuel her personality, making her want to be even more like herself. She hates to be put down and will likely just come out even louder than before, not scared of consequences, not scared of being reprimanded. She is a free soul that does as she wants and will not listen for a second to anyone that tries to put her down.
Around her friends, she teases a lot and likes to poke fun, not really understanding others feelings and often getting awkwardly silent if her friends feelings are hurt. She's really not one to comfort others and is more or less a silent support sort of cat when it comes to others crying or feeling down. She's also not the best at providing compliments, it's never really been in her nature to hand them out, but rather lighthearted insults.
Overall she's quite the interesting and fun cat to be around so long as you can handle her loud spirit, her shenanigans, her rebellious nature and her constant teasing and pranking. There might just be more to her than meets the eye.

|| Mental State || Healthy
|| Likes || Sneaking around, Doing her own thing, being independent
|| Dislikes || Being told what to do, being seen when she's trying to hide, being told she isn't sneaky
|| Phobia || Taxideaophobia (fear of badgers)

inactive // 
|| Love Interest(s) || open
|| Best Friend(s) || open
|| Friends ||open
|| Acquaintances || open
|| Enemies || open
|| Nemesis || open

|| Mental Condition || None
|| Physical Disability || None
|| Sickness || None
|| Facts ||
​ --

|| Theme Song || "She's A Rebel"
​|| Name Origin ||
Raccoon: From her pelt resembling that of a raccoon, specifically the black mask // Paw: given to cats older than 6 moons in training to be a warrior

inactive // 
|| Mother || open
|| Father || open
|| Sisters || Whiskermoon {Adoptive}
|| Brothers || open
|| Nieces || --
|| Nephews || --

|| Mate || open
|| Sons || --
|| Adoptive Sons || --
​|| Daughters || --
|| Adoptive Daughters || --

-- Mother's Side --
|| Aunts || --
|| Uncles || --
|| Cousins || --
|| Grandmother || --
|| Grandfather || --

-- Father's Side --
|| Aunts || --
|| Uncles || --
|| Cousins || --
|| Grandmother || --
|| Grandfather || --

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