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"I know I'm the strongest of my siblings, that's why I must protect them."

|| Name || Icarius
|| Previous Name(s) || --
|| Future Name(s) || --
|| Age || 7 moons
|| Gender || Male
|| Sexuality || Panromantic, Pansexual
|| Home || Dusk Syndicate
|| Rank || Kit

inactive // 
​|| Trainer || --
|| Future Trainer || Shadow
|| Former Trainer || --
|| Trainee || --
|| Future Trainee || --
|| Former Trainee || --

|| Base Coat || Silver/ Light Gray

|| Markings || Grey Tabby
|| Pelt Length || Long and soft
|| Eye Color ||  A deep blue, bordering navy blue
|| Build || Large and sturdy
|| Height || Taller than average
|| Scars || None
|| Distinctive Features || His large size compared to his siblings
|| Advantages || Hard to take down, hits hard, has good hearing
​|| Disadvantages || Clumsy, Not the smartest, Doesn't plan

Clumsy | Prideful | Confident | Protective | Loving
Being one of the larger of the kits in the litter, Icarius is quite prideful and very confident in himself. He does not doubt his abilities, but even though he's large, he's not too strong, in fact, he'll be more known for his speed than his brute strength. Nonetheless this kit will never second guess himself in whatever his choice is and can be known as headstrong. Another thing to note about him is that he tends to be overly protective of his siblings, using his size to scare off any bullies from the others even if he isn't as strong as he seems. He loves his siblings dearly and would never let anything hurt them.

|| Mental State || Healthy
|| Likes || His family, Being strong, Being able to protect his siblings
|| Dislikes || Anything that threatens his family, tripping
|| Phobia || Keraunophobia (Fear of thunder)

inactive // 
|| Love Interest(s) || --
|| Best Friend(s) || open
|| Friends || open
|| Acquaintances || open
|| Enemies || open
|| Nemesis || open

|| Mental Condition || None
|| Physical Disability || None
|| Sickness || None

|| Facts ||​  ​​

|| Theme Song || "Confident"
​|| Name Origin || Unknown

inactive // 
|| Mother || Lilith
|| Father ||
|| Sisters || Chiaki
|| Brothers || Sparta, Calignosity

|| Nieces || --
|| Nephews || --

|| Mate || --
|| Sons || --
|| Adoptive Sons || --
​|| Daughters || --
|| Adoptive Daughters || --

-- Mother's Side --
|| Aunts || --
|| Uncles || --
|| Cousins || --
|| Grandmother || --
|| Grandfather || --

-- Father's Side --
|| Aunts || --
|| Uncles || --
|| Cousins || --
|| Grandmother || --
|| Grandfather || --

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