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"The memory of you emerges from the night around me. The river mingles its stubborn lament with the sea."

Name: Yarrowpounce
Previous Names: Yarrowkit, Yarrowpaw

Nicknames: --
Age: 33 moons
Relationship Status: Single

Sexual Orientation: Biromantic Bisexual

Gender: Male

Previous Mentor: Lizardjaw

Current Apprentice: --

Overview Personality

Quiet | Humble | Awkward | Generous | Intelligent​

The first thing that every cat notices when they first speak to our dear quiet tom here is that he can be quite the awkward conversationalist, often having a hard time in maintaining eye-contact and sometimes stuttering over his words out of nervousness, something he's been dealing with since he was a kit and truthfully no cat has ever helped him over come. Most cats find it painfully awkward to hold a conversation with him and simply elect to excuse themselves from the conversation, leaving him wondering about what he said wrong and left feeling lonelier than ever. So over the years he has learned to simply refrain from talking to other cats unless they are the ones to start the conversation, in which he becomes sort of excited and may perhaps stutter more than usual due to his excitement.

Aside from being relatively quiet and awkward amidst conversation, Yarrowpounce is by far one of the most generous and caring cat's that you'll meet in Skyclan, always offering to give his meal up in leaf-bare, or any season, to a fellow warrior, apprentice, queen, or elder that needs it more than him, and he is always ready to help those in need as well, willing to do anything to provide his assistance if his assistance is needed. Along with being generous, the mostly white tom is also incredibly humble, politely declining any sort of compliment unless of course the other becomes upset that he won't accept it, then in that case he would obviously accept it. 
As of lately though, the tom has become more reclusive and is relatively downtrodden due to the disappearance of the cat that one day he had hoped to be his mate, the one she-cat that had stuck with him and was trying to help with his awkwardness and stuck around like a true friend, the first cat he truly fell in love with, though he is doing his best to get past it and move on with his life.

Mental Age: 50 Moons
Psychiatric Complications: Depression

Phobias: Aquaphobia {Fear of drowning}

Favorite Season: Greenleaf
Favorite Food: Mice
Favorite Word: Vibrant
Favorite Sound: Faint rustling of leaves

Greatest Hope: To have someone love him
Greatest Strength: His hunting abilities
Greatest Weakness: His heart

Worst Nightmare: To be left alone and forgotten
Deepest Darkest Secret: He wants to leave the clan in search of his lost love
Most Treasured Memory: The first moment he realized he loved Willowrain


Physical Traits

Breed: Mix with European Shorthair, American Wirehair and Chinese Li Hua

Fur Color: White 
Fur Texture: Moderately sleek
Fur Length: Short
Markings: Patching {dark brown}

Eye Color: Tuscan Sun Yellow
Body Type: Average
Height: Average
Weight: Below average
Voice: Ben Foster
Gait: Hesitant but fluid
Scent: Decomposing leaves mingled with fresh dandelions
Scars: None
Coordination: Very Good
Reflexes: Decent
Strength: Poor



Mother: Minkwhisp*
Father: Obsidianlight*
Brothers: --
Adoptive Brothers: --
Sisters: Ashfeather
Adoptive Sisters: --

Outside of Family
Friends: Splotchfeather
Best Friends: --

Neutral: Turtleshell
Enemies: --
Nemesis: --
Crush: --
Significant Other: {Taken but hasn't happened yet}
Previous Significant Other: Willowrain


Theme song: I Am a Rock
Poem Quote: 
"The memory of you emerges from the night around me.
The river mingles its stubborn lament with the sea." - Song of Despair by Pablo Neruda


* -Dead
* -Missing


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